Colorado River Surf Company fins

River surfing specific fins

River surfing and SUP river surfing are (for most of us) new and niche sports. As surfers of the rivers, we are often forced to use gear that was designed for use in the ocean. While this works sometimes, it’s rarely ideal.

There are a few companies that see that rivers have as much to offer as the ocean when it comes to surfing. Badfish and Glide are two examples of companies that are helping us explore and expand SUP river surfing. Today I’d like announce the creation of a new company that puts rivers first: Colorado River Surf Company!

River surfing is the way of the future for landlocked surfers. While traditional ocean surfing gear can work, the best equipment is designed specifically for the rivers. With your help, Colorado River Surf Company aims to develop and deliver high quality river surfing gear.

By utilizing 3D printing and other rapid prototyping techniques, we can deliver “beta” products to consumers at a low cost. After several cycles of customer feedback and design tweaks, we create high quality “production” products which are ready for the river.

Our first product line is river fins. If you are interested in being a part of the research and development of these fins, purchase a set of beta fins, use them on the river, and then give us feedback. If you’re not interested in trying out these cutting edge beta fins, come back in a few months to purchase a set of production fins.

This is a collaboration between myself and fellow SUP river surfer Daniel McGraw. If the rivers aren’t frozen, we are getting out and paddling them. The products we develop are created out of a need to build something better for our sport. If you are a river surfer or SUP river surfer, give our fins a try, let us know what you think, and help us create products which are designed specifically for the rivers.

Colorado River Surf Company fins

4 thoughts on “River surfing specific fins

  1. awesome news! I’d definitely like to give you feedback on some Beta product. We use mostly Badfish boards (RS 6’11 and 8’0 as well as 6’6 Cobra here on the Potomac. You can check us out on FB at Potomac baddish Crew

  2. It’s a good idea, although do they come in pair? it’s not really clear on the website. Being a beta-tester would help on the final purchase of the production line or not?

    1. Thierry, thanks for the feedback on the site! All fins are sold as pairs and we’ve also added the ability to purchase individual replacement fins.

      Being a beta tester will help us refine the shapes before we create the production line. Everyone will have access to the production fins when they’re released. Beta testers who help us and provide good critical feedback will receive discounts on future purchases.

      Hope that clears things up!

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